This email showing the third cube location appears in your inbox during Old Compact Delivery: Junk Dealer. After getting it, head to Lake Knot City and deliver it. Peter is the guy who keeps asking you to deliver pizza. It's just north-east of the ruined crater and the cube is next to his camp. To put the Valve on Sam's head, grab the companion cube from the camp near Peter Englert. The message to find this cube appears during Prototype Bots Delivery. If you pass the first island, you've gone too far. Do not cross the river, instead follow it north and east. To get Gordon's glasses, you need to look for the cube close to the river of Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City. The email to get the first companion cube appears during Urgent Resins. Here's what that we know of so far of the cube locations and what the items do. There's six Half-Life related items in the game. Half-Life cube locations in Death Stranding